How to change the order of the slides/photos in a post
When you are creating a multi-photo or carousel post in Publer, you can add multiple images to the post. The order the images show up in will depend on the order you select them.
However, the order of the images can easily be changed, simply by dragging and dropping the images to the respective spot.
Go to the Create tab on Publer.
Start designing your multi-photo post and add the desired media.
Then, hover the mouse over the image to find the move icon at the bottom left corner of the image.

Click on the move icon and drag the image accordingly to the other slot you want it to be in.
You will be able to drag and reorder all the other images as well.

Finally, after making sure the images are in the right order, schedule your post accordingly.
Learn more about how you can create and schedule multi-photo or carousel posts in Publer.
However, the order of the images can easily be changed, simply by dragging and dropping the images to the respective spot.
Reordering images
Go to the Create tab on Publer.
Start designing your multi-photo post and add the desired media.
Then, hover the mouse over the image to find the move icon at the bottom left corner of the image.

Click on the move icon and drag the image accordingly to the other slot you want it to be in.
You will be able to drag and reorder all the other images as well.

Finally, after making sure the images are in the right order, schedule your post accordingly.
Learn more about how you can create and schedule multi-photo or carousel posts in Publer.
Updated on: 24/10/2024
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