Articles on: Workspaces

How to choose between Full Posting Access and Approval Needed for your members

Specifying each member’s restrictions creates a healthy workflow, and one of the best ways to manage your workflow on Publer is through the help of the posting access, which can be Full Posting Access or Approval Needed.

1. Full Posting Access means:

Editors are allowed to schedule posts right away without any approval.
The Admins or Owner will not receive any notifications regarding any posts created from Editors with Full Posting Access.
Members with Full Posting Access will also be able to publish posts instantly.

Note: Only an Owner or Admin of the team on Publer can decide whether an Editor can have Full Posting Access or if Approval is Needed. Admins will always have Full Posting Access for any assigned social account.

2. Approval Needed means:

The Editor won’t be able to schedule the posts right away. Before the posts go into the scheduling queue, they have to be Approved by an Admin or an Owner.
The post will only be scheduled and then published on the specified date if it is approved.
If an Admin or Owner delete the post, the Editor will have to create the post anew. However, they can edit the post and leave a note so the Editor can update it accordingly.

To choose the posting access for a member:

Go to the dropdown button on the top right corner, next to your profile, and choose a workspace:

Manage your team's workflow

Click on Team members on the left side panel:

Manage your team's workflow

Pick your desired teammate, click on the edit social accounts:

Change the posting access for each social account assigned to them.
Finally, make the changes and click on Save.

Full Posting Access vs Approval Needed

When a member is scheduling a post that needs approval or is editing an approved post:

The post goes to Posts > Scheduled > Pending Approval
The Owner & Other admins will receive a notification/email.
They can approve or delete the post. If the post gets deleted, you cannot recover it and it would have to created again.
If the post has not been approved before the scheduled date, the post will be marked as failed and go to Posts > Failed.

Learn more about roles and permission levels here to understand what each of your team members can do.

Updated on: 22/02/2025

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