Managing Telegram accounts in Publer
What Telegram accounts are supported in Publer?
You can connect Telegram Channels and Groups to Publer, regardless of whether they are Private or Public.
Regardless of whether you're adding a group or a channel, you need to install the Publer Bot in the corresponding Telegram account and make Publer Bot an Admin.
What posts can we share on Telegram through Publer?
Supported Post types:
Status updates
Single-photo posts
Multi-photo posts (up to 10 photos)
Videos and GIFs.
Photos can be of any format but need to be less than 10 MB.
GIFs need to be less than 50 MB.
Videos can be of any format but need to be less than 50 MB.
Learn more about all the Telegram post limitations here.
What are the main Telegram features in Publer?
You can style Telegram texts using HTML tags.
The following HTML tags are currently supported for Telegram:
`<b>bold</b>, <strong>bold</strong>
<i>italic</i>, <em>italic</em>
<u>underline</u>, <ins>underline</ins>
<s>strikethrough</s>, <strike>strikethrough</strike>, <del>strikethrough</del>
<span class="tg-spoiler">spoiler</span>, <tg-spoiler>spoiler</tg-spoiler>
<b>bold <i>italic bold <s>italic bold strikethrough <span class="tg-spoiler">italic bold strikethrough spoiler</span></s> <u>underline italic bold</u></i> bold</b>
<a href="">inline URL</a>
<code>inline fixed-width code</code>
<pre>pre-formatted fixed-width code block</pre>
<pre><code class="language-python">pre-formatted fixed-width code block written in the Python programming language</code></pre>
HTML Tags can only be used on Status Updates, Single-Photo posts, GIFs, Links, or Videos.
Here's how it will function on Telegram:

You can add ALT text or a caption to each photo. The limit is 1,024 character per photo caption.

Is it possible to personalize the Publer Bot, such as altering the name and profile image?
No, it's a mandatory requirement by Telegram's API, thus changing the name or profile picture is not possible.
Can the Publer Bot's identity be hidden or made anonymous when publishing a post on Telegram?
No, it isn't possible. The Publer Bot will always appear alongside the Telegram posts when posting to a Telegram Group.
Does it function the same way on the Telegram Channel? Will the posts on Telegram be shown as published by the Publer Bot?
No, when you post on a Telegram Channel, the post appears as posted by the Channel itself without any reference to Publer.
Can we schedule silent messages on Telegram using Publer?
Unfortunately, no. Telegram Silent Messages are not yet supported.
Does Publer support adding reactions to a post on Telegram?
Due to the API limitations of Telegram, it is not supported by us yet.
Related Articles:
How to connect Telegram
How to style Telegram text using HTML tags
Updated by: Brikena Cani
Updated on: 11/02/2025
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