Articles on: Plans & Pricing

How to cancel my subscription


If you want to put a stop or pause to the auto-deduction or automatic renewal of your Publer subscription, you need to cancel or pause the subscription in the Settings > Billing tab.

WARNING: If you downgrade from a paid plan to the FREE plan, all your scheduled posts will be lost.

To cancel your subscription:

Click on the profile dropdown menu and go to Settings.

Then, navigate to Billing and click on Cancel or pause subscription

Choose Cancel Subscription.

After that, you'll need to confirm the cancellation by checking the box and clicking the Confirm Cancellation button.

Tip: You have the option to pause your subscription, which lets you keep all your posts, insights, and account data intact. You can resume your subscription at any time you choose without losing any data.

Note: When you cancel your subscription, you have 24 hours to resubscribe without losing any data. Upon resubscribing, you'll be charged the full amount, but we will ensure that you are refunded for the overlap period.

This is optional, but before canceling your subscription, you can also share your feedback about your experience with Publer by clicking the Leave Feedback button.

Alternatively, if you're uncertain about canceling your subscription and need some assistance before making a decision, you can reach out to Support by clicking the Chat with Support option. Our team is ready to address any questions or concerns you may have, offering the guidance and support you need before making your final decision.

Keep in mind:

If you downgrade from a paid plan to the FREE plan, all your scheduled posts will be lost.
You can keep using the paid version until your subscription or trial period ends, unless you ask for a refund.
When you cancel your subscription, you have 24 hours to resubscribe without losing any data. Upon resubscribing, you'll be charged the full amount, but we will ensure that you are refunded for the overlap period.
You have the option to Pause your subscription, which lets you keep all your posts, insights, and account data intact. You can resume your subscription at any time without losing any data.

Updated by: John Ezekiel Jacinto


Updated on: 14/01/2025

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