Articles on: RSS Feeds

How to change the RSS Feed Settings

To change the RSS Feed Settings:

Go to Explore tab on Publer.
Choose RSS Feeds
Select the RSS Feed you want to change the Settings for.

Click on the 3 dots that appear after selecting the RSS feed.
There, you will be able to choose the Settings for the RSS Feed.

RSS Feed Settings

Include and Exclude Keywords helps you pull/exclude specific RSS articles to Publer instead of all the articles.

RSS Feed Settings

This is where you can change the "action" for your RSS Feed articles, specify to use the article's title/description as the post's caption and choose between posting this article as a link or as a photo.

Choosing an action:

No Action -- RSS items will be stored on the library, until a further action decided by the user.
Auto Post -- Decide to where you want to automatically post every new RSS item that gets pulled by Publer.
Auto Schedule -- Decide where you want to automatically schedule every new RSS item that gets pulled by Publer, following a respective posting schedule, predefined or defined on the spot.

RSS Feed Settings

Learn more about RSS Feeds on Publer here.

Updated by: Brikena Cani

To change the RSS Feed Settings:

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Updated on: 21/12/2024

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