How to create single and multi-photo designs with the Contentdrips integration
You can now create both single and multi-photo designs using the Contentdrips integration directly within Publer. The designs you create can be used across multiple platforms including Google Business, WordPress, and as link or video thumbnails.
Go to the Create tab.
Click on Click or Drag and Drop media.

Choose Contentdrips.

After that, the Contentdrips editor will load directly within Publer. You can start using this feature right away, without having to log into Contentdrips.
Note: The features you can access will depend on the plan you have with Contentdrips.

Begin creating your designs.
You have the option to create both single and multi-photo designs. To make a multi-photo design, click the (+) button next to your first design, and it will automatically be converted into a carousel.

Once you've finished creating your design, click on Download and then select Export.

Your design will be automatically exported to Publer, ready for use.

Add the final touches to your post and schedule it accordingly.
Finally, navigate to the Media Library and you’ll find the latest Contentdrips design there. You can also filter all your designs by selecting the Contentdrips icon.

Written by : John Ezekiel Jacinto
To use the Contentdrips integration:
Go to the Create tab.
Click on Click or Drag and Drop media.

Choose Contentdrips.

After that, the Contentdrips editor will load directly within Publer. You can start using this feature right away, without having to log into Contentdrips.
Note: The features you can access will depend on the plan you have with Contentdrips.

Begin creating your designs.
You have the option to create both single and multi-photo designs. To make a multi-photo design, click the (+) button next to your first design, and it will automatically be converted into a carousel.

Once you've finished creating your design, click on Download and then select Export.

Your design will be automatically exported to Publer, ready for use.

Add the final touches to your post and schedule it accordingly.
Finally, navigate to the Media Library and you’ll find the latest Contentdrips design there. You can also filter all your designs by selecting the Contentdrips icon.

Written by : John Ezekiel Jacinto
Updated on: 16/01/2025
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