How to design carousels with the PostNitro integration
You can now design carousels with the PostNitro integration directly from Publer.
Go to the Create tab.
Click on Click or Drag and Drop media.
Choose PostNitro.

Start creating your carousel design.
To choose your template, click on Choose Template.

You can choose the built-in templates or create a custom one.

You can bulk import designs from a CSV or change the headshot/canvas/design/colors/text.

You can also use AI to generate or help design your carousel.
Enter a topic, tone, audience, language, slides etc. and click on Generate from Topic.

Select the social platform you need to publish the carousel on.

Click on Publish on the top left corner to use the carousel that you just designed.
Note: You can also use your previous PostNitro uploads. Select one, make the final edits, and then publish the design to Publer.

Preview the carousel and then click on Publish again.

Finish designing your post on Publer and schedule away.

Go to PostNitro following the steps above.
Click on Saved.
Here, you will see all the carousels you've previously designed through the integration.

Use your designs to your liking, click on Publish, and then schedule away.
Written by: Brikena Cani
To use the PostNitro integration:
Go to the Create tab.
Click on Click or Drag and Drop media.
Choose PostNitro.

Start creating your carousel design.
To choose your template, click on Choose Template.

You can choose the built-in templates or create a custom one.

You can bulk import designs from a CSV or change the headshot/canvas/design/colors/text.

You can also use AI to generate or help design your carousel.
Enter a topic, tone, audience, language, slides etc. and click on Generate from Topic.

Select the social platform you need to publish the carousel on.

Click on Publish on the top left corner to use the carousel that you just designed.
Note: You can also use your previous PostNitro uploads. Select one, make the final edits, and then publish the design to Publer.

Preview the carousel and then click on Publish again.

Finish designing your post on Publer and schedule away.

To use your previous PostNitro designs:
Go to PostNitro following the steps above.
Click on Saved.
Here, you will see all the carousels you've previously designed through the integration.

Use your designs to your liking, click on Publish, and then schedule away.
Written by: Brikena Cani
Updated on: 16/01/2025
Thank you!