How to edit the timezone and time settings
In Account Settings, you can adjust the timezone and other time settings.
These changes will apply to all workspaces you're a part of, but will only impact your account, not other members.
Go to your Profile dropdown and choose Settings.

You edit/update your Timezone by selecting an option from the dropdown menu. Use the search field to quickly find your country.

You can also change the Time format, Starting Day or specify your Day Starts Time.

For more information on setting up your profile details go here.
Written by: Brikena Cani
These changes will apply to all workspaces you're a part of, but will only impact your account, not other members.
To change the Time settings:
Go to your Profile dropdown and choose Settings.

You edit/update your Timezone by selecting an option from the dropdown menu. Use the search field to quickly find your country.

You can also change the Time format, Starting Day or specify your Day Starts Time.

For more information on setting up your profile details go here.
Written by: Brikena Cani
Updated on: 25/12/2024
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