Articles on: Media Library

How to filter media by tags/labels


When you have a lot of media files in the Media Library, it can sometimes be hard to quickly search for them. However, using labels will allow you to search and filter media easily.

To search or filter media by labels:

From the navigation bar on the left, go to the Media Library tab.
You will be able to see all your under the "Search media" and "Filter by" fields, as shown below:

Filtering media by labels

You can select a label and you will see all the media associated to it.
You can also search for labels, by clicking on the dropdown arrow at the very left, and using the "Search label" field, like so:

Searching through labels

This will help you when you have a lot of labels to look through and want to find a specific label.
For example, in order to pull up the "Cats" label, I can search for "Cats" quickly to see the label and then I can select the label to see the photos associated with it.

Filtering media by labels

You can also filter the media by selecting multiple labels at once (i.e. Coffee, Cats). That will show the media that have either one or the other label.

Filtering by many labels at once

Lastly, you can use the Favorite, Canva, or VistaCreate labels to pull up the respective media.

Learn more about how to organize your media library files with labels here.



When you have a lot of media files in the Media Library, it can sometimes be hard to quickly search for them. However, using labels will allow you to search and filter media easily.

To search or filter media by labels on the mobile app:

Go to the Media Library tab.

You will be able to see all your labels under the "Search media" and "Add media" fields, as shown below:

You can select a label and you will see all the media associated to it.
You can also search for labels by using the Search media field. This will help you when you have a lot of labels to look through and want to find a specific label.

You can also filter the media by selecting multiple labels at once (i.e. #MemeFriday, Ambassador, Best times to post). That will show the media that have either one or the other label.

Lastly, you can use the Favorite, Canva, or VistaCreate labels at the top of the page to pull up the respective media.

Learn more about how to organize your media library files with labels here.


Written by: Brikena Cani

Updated on: 21/12/2024

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