Articles on: Affiliate Program

How to sign up for the ambassador/affiliate program

Becoming a Publer Ambassador!

Free Plan users

Before we can give you access to our affiliate program, you need answer these two questions:

1. Where and how do you intend to promote Publer?
2. What do you think makes Publer stand out from its competitors?

Please be as thorough as possible with your answers and send them via the live chat on our website or via email at [email protected].

After you are given access to the program, you can go here to finish the sign up process and set up your ambassador profile!

Professional & Business Plan users

If you are a paid customer of Publer, you don't need to contact us or answer the questions, you can directly sign up for the affiliate program here.

Earnings and commission rates:

You will earn the following commissions:

$0.25 for each legitimate user that you bring, regardless if later on they upgrade their plan or not

50% commission on the first monthly payment for each new paying customer that you bring

20% commission on the recurring payments for each paying customer as long as they don't cancel their subscription

Note: Each visitor that you bring to the site has up to 30 days to sign up in order for you to get credit.

The commission rates are based on the sales you've made the previous month:

$0 - $500 → 50% commission for new paying customers (first payment) and 20% commission on recurring payments

$500 - $1,000 → 60% commission for new paying customers (first payment) and 25% commission on recurring payments

> $1,000 → 70% commission for new paying customers (first payment) and 30% commission on recurring payments

Note: In a few words, the more sales you make, the more you will earn per sale in the future! These rates may change at any time without prior notice.

Terms and Conditions

No paid ads for promoting your affiliate links, our website, or our brand keywords. If you run such ads, you won't earn a commission for those ads. We run regular checks, and if in doubt, we may ask you to provide proof of the methods used to generate the sales.

Each visitor that you bring to the site has up to 30 days to sign up in order for you to get credit.

Only legitimate users count, so if the user signs up but does not use the Publer account within the first 15 days, they will count as "ghost accounts" and the $0.25 commission will be declined.

Keep in mind:

Each earned commission is manually verified for its legitimacy. There's a 15 days approval wait time for commissions earned on free users and a 30 days approval wait time for commissions earned on paying customers, in case they ask for a refund.

Approved commissions are paid out via PayPal/Stripe on the 1st of every month, as long as the total unpaid commissions are at least $20 and the PayPal email address/Stripe account you have provided is valid.

However, by actively sharing Publer with your network, you will have biweekly payments on the 1st and on the 15th of each month and early access to upcoming features. Learn more about that here and on our Terms and Conditions section at the ambassador dashboard.

If someone you referred signs up for the 3, 6 or 12 months plan, we calculate the monthly price and you earn a 50% commission for the first month and 20% commission for the rest of the months.

From time to time on the Publer Ambassadors Facebook Group we will also post promotions and offer higher commission rates on certain days.


You don't necessarily have to share only the main link. You can share almost any link of the site as long as you add your ambassador username (case insensitive) at the end.

For example, it could look something like this: "". This way you can share specific features of Publer that you think might have a higher conversion rate, while still being credited accordingly.

Don't simply share links. Try to personally contact businesses that might be interested. Visit forums and search for problems Publer is solving. If you have a blog, try placing a banner with your unique registration link. If you're popular on Instagram, place your unique registration link on your bio. Be creative!

You can use the Marketing Resources on the Ambassador profile on Publer here to help you streamline this process.

If you are a proactive ambassador, you will be eligible to earn a monthly prize of $100, $50, or $25 based respectively on the first, second, and third place ranking. The more revenue you have generated from new customers during the given month, the higher you will place and be shown under Top ambassadors for this month table.

For more info, please feel free to contact us directly at [email protected]

Learn more about Publer's Ambassador Program here.

Updated on: 12/03/2025

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