How to import media from Unsplash
Unsplash is a free stock image library featuring high-quality photos from photographers worldwide. With Publer's Unsplash integration, you can easily search, filter, and select the images you need.
To import a photo from Unsplash:
Select Click or Drag & Drop media.
Choose the Unsplash option.

Search for the desired photo.
Use filters to specify your search:
Orientation -- decide whether you want a Landscape, Portrait, or Square orientation.
Any color -- specify which is the color you're mostly looking for (perfect for a curated and branded social media feed).
Select all the photos you want to import.

Finally, click on Use Media and schedule the post.
To import Unsplash photos directly to Media Library:
Go to Media Library.
Click on Add Media.

Choose the Unsplash option.
Search for the desired photo(s) using the filters.
Finally, select the photos and click on Use Media.

Tip: Now that you have uploaded the photo you can favorite it, share it, delete it, or organize it through labels.
Learn more about how to upload media from Unsplash here.
Unsplash is an online repository of free stock images taken from professional photographers around the world. You can search, filter, and select as many high-quality photos as you need from Publer's Unsplash integration.
You can import your Unsplash photos directly while you are curating a post or to the Media Library to save them for future use, as shown below.
To import a photo from Unsplash:
In the mobile app, click on the + button in the bottom-middle of the screen to create a post.
Select the social account you want to create a post for, i.e. Instagram > Story.
Tap on the + image placeholder and select Unsplash.

Use the search field to find your desired content, i.e. Cactus.
You can use the Orientation and Colour filters to narrow your search:
Orientation -- decide whether you want a Landscape, Portrait, or Square orientation.
Any color -- specify which is the color you're mostly looking for (perfect for a curated and branded social media feed).

Select all the photos you want to import.
Finally, click on Use Media and schedule the post.
To import Unsplash photos directly to the Media Library:
In the mobile app, go to the Media tab.
Click on Add Media and select Unsplash.

Use the search field and filters to find your desired content.
Finally, select the photos and click on Use Media.

Tip: Now that you have uploaded the photo you can favorite it, share it, delete it, or organize it with labels.
Learn more about how to upload media from Unsplash here.
Updated by: Brikena Cani
Updated on: 21/12/2024
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