The Explore tab on Publer
The Explore feature is here to help you elevate your online presence, get higher clickthroughs, and inspire you with relevant and up-to-date news and trending content.
Trending posts
News (Latest News, Advanced Queries)
RSS Feed
You can now find and reuse Trending posts from Instagram and Twitter using Publer.
Go to the Explore tab on Publer.

Choose the Trending Posts tab.

Choose a Platform and Category.
There are 11 categories with subcategories and you can choose from. For more information on that go here.
Filter by Latest posts or Top posts by clicking on one of the options from the dropdown:

Click on the post of your choice, to open it and press the arrow icon on the right bottom corner, to either Reuse or Share the post.

Alternatively you can toggle on the box at the top right corner and click Use.

After that, you will be redirected to the Create composer.
Here, you can proceed with making the final edits to the post before scheduling/publishing it. You can also rephrase the text using AI Assist.
You can also view and reply to comments, view analytics for the trending posts and also view these posts directly on the respective social accounts.
Go to the Explore tab and click on News.
On the Latest News tab make a simple search with the Country and Category and you will immediately see the results.

You can create a new search, by simply changing the country or category.
You can also search in detail about specific articles using the the Advanced Search and clicking on Add New Query.

Narrow down your search by choosing for:
Surround phrases with quotes (") for exact match.
Prepend words or phrases that must appear with a + symbol. Eg: +socialmedia
Prepend words that must not appear with a - symbol. Eg: -facebook
Alternatively you can use the AND / OR / NOT keywords, and optionally group these with parenthesis. Eg: "social media" AND (Facebook OR Twitter) NOT Snapchat.
Dates of the article
Sort by relevance, popularity, and date
Include or Exclude specific domains.
Once you have narrowed down your search, you can choose to Save query for the future.

Then, click on Search and relevant results will appear.
Start sharing any articles you like or scheduling them for the future.
The RSS Feed is simply an XMLl file that uses code to “communicate” with Publer. Every blog or news site has its own RSS Feed. For WordPress sites, you just add "/feed" to the site's web address.
For example: For Publer, the RSS Feed is "". If you need help to find your RSS feed URL go here.
Go to Explore tab on Publer and choose RSS Feeds
Click on All RSS Feeds dropdown and select/search the RSS Feed you need.

The RSS Feed will pick up all of your new articles, store them in Publer's library, and then it will Auto-post, Auto-schedule, or take No Action depending on the settings you have chosen.
After selecting one of the RSS feeds, click on the 3 dots and then on Settings.

Choose a way to automate your RSS Feeds (auto-schedule/auto-post) and click on Save.

If you need more ideas, make sure to use the Publer AI Assist to generate unique and catchy content in no time!
Written by: Brikena Cani
On the Explore tab you have the option to view and use:
Trending posts
News (Latest News, Advanced Queries)
RSS Feed
Trending posts:
You can now find and reuse Trending posts from Instagram and Twitter using Publer.
Go to the Explore tab on Publer.

Choose the Trending Posts tab.

Choose a Platform and Category.
There are 11 categories with subcategories and you can choose from. For more information on that go here.
Filter by Latest posts or Top posts by clicking on one of the options from the dropdown:

Click on the post of your choice, to open it and press the arrow icon on the right bottom corner, to either Reuse or Share the post.

Alternatively you can toggle on the box at the top right corner and click Use.

After that, you will be redirected to the Create composer.
Here, you can proceed with making the final edits to the post before scheduling/publishing it. You can also rephrase the text using AI Assist.
You can also view and reply to comments, view analytics for the trending posts and also view these posts directly on the respective social accounts.
Go to the Explore tab and click on News.
On the Latest News tab make a simple search with the Country and Category and you will immediately see the results.

You can create a new search, by simply changing the country or category.
You can also search in detail about specific articles using the the Advanced Search and clicking on Add New Query.

Narrow down your search by choosing for:
Surround phrases with quotes (") for exact match.
Prepend words or phrases that must appear with a + symbol. Eg: +socialmedia
Prepend words that must not appear with a - symbol. Eg: -facebook
Alternatively you can use the AND / OR / NOT keywords, and optionally group these with parenthesis. Eg: "social media" AND (Facebook OR Twitter) NOT Snapchat.
Dates of the article
Sort by relevance, popularity, and date
Include or Exclude specific domains.
Once you have narrowed down your search, you can choose to Save query for the future.

Then, click on Search and relevant results will appear.
Start sharing any articles you like or scheduling them for the future.
RSS Feed
The RSS Feed is simply an XMLl file that uses code to “communicate” with Publer. Every blog or news site has its own RSS Feed. For WordPress sites, you just add "/feed" to the site's web address.
For example: For Publer, the RSS Feed is "". If you need help to find your RSS feed URL go here.
Go to Explore tab on Publer and choose RSS Feeds
Click on All RSS Feeds dropdown and select/search the RSS Feed you need.

The RSS Feed will pick up all of your new articles, store them in Publer's library, and then it will Auto-post, Auto-schedule, or take No Action depending on the settings you have chosen.
After selecting one of the RSS feeds, click on the 3 dots and then on Settings.

Choose a way to automate your RSS Feeds (auto-schedule/auto-post) and click on Save.

If you need more ideas, make sure to use the Publer AI Assist to generate unique and catchy content in no time!
Written by: Brikena Cani
Updated on: 01/12/2024
Thank you!