How to add media to follow-up comments
Adding media to follow-up comments is the best way for you to engage with your audience in a creative and visual way.
This is only supported by Facebook, Twitter, and LinekdIn.
Go to Create.

Choose Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.
Click on the follow-up comments icon.

Toggle on Add follow-up comments and choose Click to upload media.

Add the content you want to include in the comment, such as texts and media, to make it more detailed, engaging, and informative for your audience.

You can add media from several places. Once finished, simply click on Save.
Continue adding follow-up comments, designing the post, and then schedule it accordingly.
Learn more about how you can create and schedule Twitter Threads with media.
This is only supported by Facebook, Twitter, and LinekdIn.
To add media in comments:
Go to Create.

Choose Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.
Click on the follow-up comments icon.

Toggle on Add follow-up comments and choose Click to upload media.

Add the content you want to include in the comment, such as texts and media, to make it more detailed, engaging, and informative for your audience.

You can add media from several places. Once finished, simply click on Save.
Continue adding follow-up comments, designing the post, and then schedule it accordingly.
Learn more about how you can create and schedule Twitter Threads with media.
Updated on: 31/12/2024
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