How to fix Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn link preview issues
Note: It's recommended that you check if your link has the necessary meta tags by using other tools as well, to ensure that it will be loaded properly on Publer and shared with the respective thumbnail on the social networks. Learn more about how you can do that here.
We cannot control how Twitter will render the preview for your links. You need to make sure that you have added the proper meta tags.
You can check if a link will render properly by simply pasting the URL directly on Twitter as shown in the following example:

If you don't see a link preview as in the second example, that means that your site is missing the Twitter meta tags.
You can learn more here:
If you don't have experience with meta tags, it's advisable to contact your webmaster.
Long posts on Twitter will never show a link preview.
Once you attach a link in Publer, you can safely delete the URL from the post description in order to prevent the link from being shown twice (just like when using Facebook or LinkedIn).
Use Facebook’s Sharing Debugger to make sure that the link will look properly on Facebook:
Some more info:
Please note: If you want to customize the link preview directly from Publer, you would need to verify the domain ownership.
If you've verified the domain ownership then the link preview you see on Publer will be the one shown on Facebook.
If you haven't, then Facebook decides what thumbnail to show and you can check that using their sharing debugger tool.
With Facebook, the link will be shared as part of the caption only when there is some text after the link. Facebook is showing the link preview of the URL (the thumbnail, Link title, description, etc) and removing the URL to not create repetition, when the link does not have any text that follows it.
We will try to post the link preview to LinkedIn exactly how it looks on Publer, so make sure to include the appropriate meta tags:
We will automatically download the link thumbnail that you pick and upload to LinkedIn, however, it has been brought to our attention that this process may fail if the thumbnail hosting server returns an error, such as 403 Forbidden.
Please contact us via the chat on the website for more information.
We cannot control how Twitter will render the preview for your links. You need to make sure that you have added the proper meta tags.
You can check if a link will render properly by simply pasting the URL directly on Twitter as shown in the following example:

If you don't see a link preview as in the second example, that means that your site is missing the Twitter meta tags.
You can learn more here:
If you don't have experience with meta tags, it's advisable to contact your webmaster.
Long posts on Twitter will never show a link preview.
Once you attach a link in Publer, you can safely delete the URL from the post description in order to prevent the link from being shown twice (just like when using Facebook or LinkedIn).
Use Facebook’s Sharing Debugger to make sure that the link will look properly on Facebook:
Some more info:
Please note: If you want to customize the link preview directly from Publer, you would need to verify the domain ownership.
If you've verified the domain ownership then the link preview you see on Publer will be the one shown on Facebook.
If you haven't, then Facebook decides what thumbnail to show and you can check that using their sharing debugger tool.
With Facebook, the link will be shared as part of the caption only when there is some text after the link. Facebook is showing the link preview of the URL (the thumbnail, Link title, description, etc) and removing the URL to not create repetition, when the link does not have any text that follows it.
We will try to post the link preview to LinkedIn exactly how it looks on Publer, so make sure to include the appropriate meta tags:
We will automatically download the link thumbnail that you pick and upload to LinkedIn, however, it has been brought to our attention that this process may fail if the thumbnail hosting server returns an error, such as 403 Forbidden.
Please contact us via the chat on the website for more information.
Updated on: 03/10/2024
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