How to check member and access roles in Meta Business Suite / Portfolio
Meta Business Suite / Portfolio
Meta Business Suite or Portfolio is a one-stop shop where you can manage all of your marketing and advertising activities on Facebook and Instagram. It centralizes tools that help you connect with your customers on all apps and get better business results.
It's easier to use the Meta Business Portfolios when you are managing several Facebook and Instagram accounts. You can manage your posts and the members that have access to your Facebook Pages or Instagram accounts through the Business Suite. The different access levels allow for better management between team members.
Note: If you want to add a Facebook Page or Instagram account to Publer, you have to make sure you are listed as a member with at least Partial Access for the specific account.
Managing People in Meta Business Portfolio
In your Meta Business Account, you can have several Business Portfolios or Suites. Each portfolio includes a specific group of social accounts.
When you add people through the Meta Business suite, you can only add them to one portfolio/suite at a time. As you add people, you choose which assets (i.e. Facebook Pages and Instagram accounts) you want them to have access to. Learn more about how to add people to your Business Suite/Portfolio here.
Note: Before you or a team member can add a Facebook Page or Instagram account to Publer, it is imperative that you first have access to it. Access can be granted directly from the Business Suite or from the Facebook dashboard from the owner of the Business Suite/Portfolio.
To check yours or your member's role/access
Go to your Business Manager settings.
Choose the specific Business Suite/Portfolio you want to make changes to (i.e. add/manage members).

All of the Business Suites/Portfolios that you have access to will show up here. Moreover, here you can create a new Business Suite, also known as a Business Portfolio, or navigate to an already existing one.
After navigating to the specific Business Suite/Portfolio, go to People. You will be able to see all the people that have access to your Business Portfolio on the right.

Note: You can also add other members and give them access to your accounts. To add a member, simply click on Add people at the top right corner, and proceed with the steps shown on screen. Learn more here.
Under Business Account Access for each member, you can see the access that they have in the Business Suite/Portfolio.

To see what access a member has for each specific account:
Click on the specific member and you will see all the assets (accounts) that they have access to.

You can choose to give the member the following access.:
Partial Access - Business suite tools only
With this access, the member will have partial control in the Business Suite only. They won't be able to add other members (like Admins) but they will be able to do everything else, only through the Business Suite.
The member will also show up on the Facebook Page roles, but they will not be able to access the Facebook Page or manage it through the Facebook Dashboard. Instead, they will be asked to Manage Page on Business Suite when they try to manage it through the Facebook dashboard.
Partial Access - Business suite tools only and Facebook dashboard
With this access, the member will have partial control in the Business Suite and the Facebook dashboard. They won't be able to add other members (like Admins) but they will be able to do everything else, directly from the Business Suite and the Facebook dashboard as well.
The member will show up on the Facebook Page roles, and they will be able to access the Facebook Page and manage it both through the Facebook Dashboard and the Business Suite.
Full Control - Business suite tools only and Facebook dashboard
With this access, the member will have full control in the Business Suite and the Facebook dashboard. They will be able to do everything and add other members (like Admins), directly from the Business Suite and the Facebook dashboard as well.
The member will show up on the Facebook Page roles, and they will be able to access the Facebook Page and manage it both through the Facebook Dashboard and the Business Suite.
Members will be able to manage all the assigned accounts through Publer, with any of the above mentioned access levels.

If you only want this user to manage your Facebook and Instagram accounts through the Meta Business Suite, or Publer, then simply assign Partial Access to the business suite tools, i.e. option 1. Otherwise, they will be able to manage the assigned accounts from the Facebook dashboard as well, i.e. option 2 or 3.
The member will be able to post to the Facebook Page or Instagram accounts through Publer, as long as they have all the permissions toggled on, for option 1, 2, or 3.
Finally, the owner can go back and change the access level for any member at anytime, giving them less or more access to the assigned accounts.
Updated on: 17/11/2023
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