Articles on: Troubleshooting

How to re-authorize all social accounts at once

Whenever the connection to a Social Account is lost, Reauthorization will be required in order to reconnect to this account

To re-authenticate all social accounts at once:

Navigate to Settings:

Move to Integrations

Once you are there, you can click on Reauthorize:

From there, you can proceed normally to reauthorize all the social accounts per network, i.e. all LinkedIn Pages through the LinkedIn Profile.

Keep in mind:

Re-authenticating an account from Integrations will automatically re-authenticate all the social accounts connected to it. For example, when you re-authenticate a Facebook Profile, then all the Pages and Groups managed by this profile will be re-authenticated as well.

If your profile is Revoked, it will also revoke/remove all the accounts connected to it. This will cause the loss of all posts in the scheduling queue, analytics, and other data for the accounts.

Updated by: Brikena Cani

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Updated on: 19/12/2024

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