Fit All Your Thoughts
in One Thread
Deliver all the necessary details. Create up to 15-tweet-long threads or
tweetstorms to increase blog traffic, boost sales and collect more engagement on your posts with less effort.

About Twitter Threads
on Publer
Tweets’ lifespan is less than 20 minutes, making it almost impossible to reach
the desired audience at the right time. Nobody can afford to miss out on
potential consumers now.
Twitter Threads are huge attention grabbers, allowing your brand to earn an
incomparable reputation, especially when having quality content, branded
hashtags, and correct text formatting in mind.
Knowing that Twitter only allows 280 characters per post, we’ve managed to
show a red highlight over the extra text.
Constructing a Long Thread Twitter Post
In only two simple actions, you can improve your reputation and engagement on Twitter.
1. Compose a New Tweet
A long thread begins with a tweet and contains some text up to 280 characters
and up to 4 photos, or a video, Gif, and link.
Here's where it's a good idea to incorporate long blog entries, your next event,
recent product developments, or helpful hints into your marketing message.
After carefully curating the text with appropriate formatting and emojis and
exploring the Twitter hashtag generator, it’s time to continue your thoughts
with a follow-up comment.

2. Add Follow-Up Comments
Did you already grab attention with the first tweet? Let’s start writing a thread
that helps stretch out news about your latest update.
Put a delay between each tweet and keep your thread on
top of everyone’s feed.
Attach links or visual content for a smoother customer
experience and engagement.
Automatically schedule the thread to go out at a specific time, pick a pre-set timeslot, or draft it to save time and collect more information.
Every new tweet will get its performance: get retweeted, collect
link clicks, and keep your profile consistent.
Create a Beautiful Twitter Thread
Whether you’re planning a new event, want to repurpose timeless and long blog articles,
or you want to share a few tips that resonate with your audience,
Twitter Threads are the best storytelling strategy.

Other Hidden Superpowers
Respond to Comments in Real-Time
Interact with your most engaged audience by viewing, replying, or deleting
Twitter comments right within Publer.
Optimize Posting Times
Publer helps you better manage your time by allowing you to schedule and
analyze posts. Get valuable feedback on the success of each post and audience behavior.
Recycle Tweets with the Spintax Generator
Generate distinguishable versions of your Twitter Thread content, by using
relevant synonyms across tweets.