Why don't my RSS Feed articles have a thumbnail?
RSS Feed Articles
The RSS Feed is simply an XMLl file that uses code to “communicate” with Publer. Every blog or news site has its own RSS Feed, and you can add it to Publer.
This will make it possible for you to load all the articles on Publer, so that you can then auto-share or auto-schedule them to the specific social networks.
However, sometimes your RSS Feed's article might not load properly, and that is due to missing meta tags in your website. To understand more about how you can check the meta tags, follow the steps here and the steps below.
Note: It's recommended that you check if your link has the necessary meta tags, to ensure that it will be loaded properly on Publer and shared with the respective thumbnail on the social networks. Learn more about how you can do that here.
Missing Thumbnail on RSS Feed Articles
Some RSS Feeds might not always show the correct thumbnail for their RSS Feed articles. In this case, you have to make sure that your site has the correct Meta Tags set up for the Description, Link, Title, Image, etc.
We use proxies to parse website metadata, so it will be a little difficult to whitelist Publer based on our IP, as it constantly changes.
However, the user agent is: facebookplatform/1.0 (+http://developers.facebook.com)
When there are issues with uploading the right thumbnail of the articles using our internal scraper, what we do is route you through a third party meta data scraper called Link Preview. We use that for fetching link previews when our internal tool is not able to generate a preview.
Learn more about what link scrapers Publer uses to generate a thumbnail here.
Link Preview Tool
In the Link Preview website:
Enter the link under Try your website and click on Submit to check if it will generate a thumbnail.
The tool will load the thumbnail and show the main meta tags, such as title, description, image, and URL.
If any of the tags is missing, then the link preview won't load.

In this case, all the meta data is specified properly which is why the Link Preview tool loads the link thumbnail, description, and title. This is what it should look like for your articles as well, if you want them to load the respective thumbnail on Publer.
Keep in mind:
If the Link Preview site cannot load a thumbnail for your articles, there is not much that Publer can do, since the respective meta tags are missing from the link.
In that case, you have to consult your technician to add the necessary meta tags to your website.
If there are other articles that are missing from Publer altogether, make sure to manually sync your RSS Feeds
Updated on: 21/12/2024
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