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How to Easily Add Watermarks to Your Images and Videos

January 19, 2023
How to Easily Add Watermarks to Your Images and Videos

When looking for pictures online on Instagram or other social media platforms, you’ll notice some people use watermarks on their images and videos. 

For some people, watermarking is a way to protect their images and digital artwork from theft and unauthorized use. They will put a little logo in the corner hoping that somebody won’t steal their images and try to use them commercially.

So today, we will be talking about:

  • What are watermarks?
  • Why should you use watermarks?
  • How to easily add watermarks with Publer?
  • How to add watermarks using tools such as Canva, 123 Watermark, and uMark?

 So, if you want to learn all that, keep reading!

What Is a Watermark?

Today, the watermarking process is mostly digital, but the term “watermarking” itself dates back centuries.

Watermarking is the process of adding logos, and text, and even creating a unique logo on documents and image files, which is necessary for copyright protection and digital marketing.

Let’s look at why it’s important to watermark your images and documents and explore how to create effective watermarks for your work.

Why Should You Use a Watermark?

There are several important reasons you should watermark your document or image. On the one hand, watermarks help protect the copyright of your work, preventing it from being reused or shared without your permission. For example, if you are an influencer or photographer specializing in digital art creation, you should use watermarks. By doing so, people can preview your work before buying it without the risk of it being stolen.

On the other hand, watermarks can simply be used as a branding strategy. Digital watermarking is a way to get your name out there and increase brand awareness. So you know your name or brand will always be there whenever your work is shared on Instagram

How to Add Watermarks With Publer 

Publer offers different tools for creating watermarks automatically and adding them to your mobile. Let’s take a closer look at the main features.

How to Create a Watermark

Go to Social Accounts and select the account you want to create a watermark for.

How to Create a Watermark

Select Watermarks and then click Upload your first watermark or Create Watermark to add a logo.

Once the logo is uploaded, you can:

  • Specify a name for the logo.
  • Specify the size, position, and opacity.
  • Optionally, make it a Default watermark.
  • Optionally, add padding around the logo.
  • Finally, click on Create and use the watermark to your liking.

For a step-by-step tutorial, check Publer help center.

How to Automatically Watermark Photos

To create a watermark, you need to add a logo (PNG file) to Publer first.

Go to Social Accounts and select a social account.

Choose the third option, named Watermark, and then click Upload your first watermark or Create Watermark to add a logo.

When the logo is uploaded:

  • Provide a name for the logo.
  • Set a size, position it, and decide the opacity.
  • Choose Default to make it a default watermark.
  • Optionally, you can add padding around the logo.

How to Automatically Watermark Photos

You can also edit the size, position it, and decide on the opacity anytime while creating a post or after you have scheduled one.

To add a watermark on an Instagram post, create a new post by tapping Create and select your account.

Make sure to attach a photo to the post first and click on Media Options.

Media options

Click the first option, Select Watermark and choose the watermark you previously saved.

selecting watermark

You can also create a new one from scratch. Your post will be saved while you create the new watermark.

How to Watermark Photos on Mobile

You can simply add watermarks to your pictures also on mobile.

Once you log in to the application, you need to press the plus button on the bottom middle of the screen:

  • Select a social account on the top.
  • Curate your post.
  • Make sure to attach a photo to the post first and click the Media Options icon.

How to Watermark Photos on Mobile

Then, click the first option Select Watermark, and choose the watermark you prefer.

Other Tools You Can Use to Watermark Photos

Here are some tools you can use to add watermarks to your photos or videos quickly and easily.


Canva makes it simple to create watermarks with brand identifiers like logos, names, and signatures. Additionally, you can personalize your logo using Canva’s extensive font library.

After that, you can use Canva’s drag-and-drop feature to add watermarks to your photos or videos. Then, you can adjust the watermark’s size and position so that it fits the image. Other features of Canva will allow you to rotate the watermark if necessary. You can also adjust the opacity of your watermark to match the look of your image or digital artwork.

Your working files, including the watermarks you add, are automatically saved online when you have a Canva account. So you can quickly add watermarks to any photo or digital project at any time, using any device, and for free.

123 Watermark 

123 Watermark is a very user-friendly app that makes adding watermarks a very simple process. Not only do they have multiple layers, but you can also change their transparency, scale, and color, align them vertically or horizontally, and add visual effects, overlays, and borders.

You can also save images to cloud storage services such as Dropbox and Google Drive. It also supports batch processing so that you can handle multiple images simultaneously. Another attractive aspect of this app is its ability to convert images to various popular formats.


The uMark‘s interface is simple and intuitive, with the program’s features separated by four tabs. It allows you to customize multiple text and logo options by selecting the image they want to watermark. You can enter text and customize fonts, sizes, colors, shadows, and alignment. You can add your logo or other image and adjust the opacity and position.

Key Takeaways 

As we have seen, watermarks are mainly used for copyright protection but not only.

  • You can use watermarks for your branding strategy.
  • Publer allows you to automate the creation of watermarks and add them on mobile.
  • Use Canva, 123 Watermark, and uMark to create watermarks easily.

Now that you know everything about watermarks, you just have to create them. Tell us in the comments which software you will use.

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