What is included in Publer Business?
Publer Business provides full access to all features on Publer.
It comes with a 14-day free trial. You can cancel at anytime.
A credit card or a PayPal account is required for the subscription / free trial.
You can choose the number of social accounts and additional team members you need by clicking on the Up & Down arrows on the Plans and Pricing page.
Keep in mind:
For every 9 Social Accounts, the 10th one is Free.
For every 9 Team Members, the 10th one is Free.
You can save up to 20% when paying yearly.
Publer Business includes:
All the features in the Free Plan :
Schedule all supported post types for all social accounts that Publer supports (except Twitter).
Customize your post based on the social network you're posting to.
Edit photos with the built-in photo editor.
Design illustrations with the Canva Button -- an integration within Publer.
Create a free Link in Bio page for each one of your Instagram accounts.
Upload photos from external URLs, Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, or Unsplash.
View your scheduled posts in list or in the Posts Calendar View.
Preview how your post will look like on each social network.
Automatically schedule posts based on a predefined posting schedule.
Create shortcodes for any data that you use too often like: hashtags, phone numbers, addresses, etc.
Automatically shorten your links with Bitly or other services and add UTM tags.
Organize your social accounts into Groups for a smoother workflow.
Add a delay between posts when posting to multiple social accounts simultaneously.
All the features in the Professional Plan:
Schedule unlimited posts, as long as you don't exceed the daily post limits, and save unlimited drafts.
Connect and manage all your Twitter accounts.
Sync all published posts (including the ones published outside of Publer), and have eternal posts history for all published posts.
Schedule up to 500 posts in bulk at once with any of the bulk options on Publer.
Use the Media Library to store your media files or to quickly schedule media posts.
Design your illustrations in Canva and then share them to Publer directly.
Automatically schedule and post your RSS Feed Items from your blog to social networks through Publer.
Automatically watermark photos with your company's logo.
Automatically add a signature as an outro at the end of each post.
Schedule Twitter threads with the help of follow-up comments where you can add text, hashtags, or media.
Auto-share a post (as a link) to another social account as soon as it is published to other social accounts you manage.
Automatically delete posts after a certain and specified amount of time.
Get Content Recommendation for the most popular or trending articles online when running out of ideas on what to share next on your socials.
Create additional workspaces, collaborate with other members, and manage your team's workflow.
Plus, all the following:
View analytics & insights for all social accounts that you manage.
Premium Link in Bio with analytics that track link clicks.
Get Hashtag Suggestions in real-time and use the best performing hashtags on social media.
Schedule any media posts to your Facebook Albums.
Upload videos from external URL (simply copy & paste a video link from YouTube, Facebook etc).
Automatically watermark your videos with your company's logo.
Design videos with VistaCreate Pro (previously Crello) and share them to your socials.
Automatically recycle your evergreen content on Publer.
Schedule recurring posts that recur at specific times that you choose.
Use the built-in Spintax Generator to create various versions of one post.
Automatically generate and receive PDF Analytics reports for your social accounts.
Updated by: Brikena Cani
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Updated on: 11/02/2025
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