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How to Change Your Twitter Handle on 3 Popular Devices 

September 29, 2022
How to Change Your Twitter Handle on 3 Popular Devices 

First impressions are everything, especially on social media. Your Twitter handle is one of the first things people will see when they come across your profile, so it’s important to make sure it’s catchy, professional and reflective of who you are and what you do.

A unique and catchy Twitter handle can effectively reach B2B audiences and customers. Luckily, changing your Twitter handle is easy, no matter what device you’re using. In this article, we’ll show you how to change your Twitter handle using different devices to make you highly searchable on Twitter.

What is a Twitter handle? 

Your Twitter handle, also known as your username, is the name you use to register your account. Your Twitter username follows the ‘@’ symbol on your profile and can also be found on your profile URL.

What is a Twitter handle

A Twitter handle can be a mix of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores, but no spaces! It should also be at least four characters long but can be up to 15 characters. This serves as your account identifier, so no two usernames can be the same.

Creating a unique and catchy Twitter handle is an effective way to make money on the app. It is important to choose a handle that is highly searchable, memorable, and professional. A profile that stands out can help you capture your target audience and grow your brand.

The Twitter handle is often mistaken with your Twitter name, but they are relevantly distinct from each other. Unlike a Twitter handle, a Twitter name doesn’t need to be unique and can exceed the 15-character limit. 

Twitter allows you to change your handle as often as you’d like. If your desired username is already in use, Twitter will ask you to choose a different one and offer suggestions. You’ll see a green checkmark next to the username if it’s available.

Here are some reasons why you are unable to change your username:

  • Your Twitter handle contains the words “Twitter” or “Admin,” which are exclusive to official Twitter accounts. 
  • Your username contains special characters other than underscores. 
  • Your preferred username previously belonged to a suspended or deactivated account. You can view these Twitter accounts by visiting their profile. 

How To Change Your Twitter Handle on Desktop 

You can change your Twitter handle on your desktop by doing the following:

  1. Visit www.twitter.com and log in with your registered email/username and password.
  2. Click the “more” button on the left of the screen at the top of the screen.
  3. Go to “settings and privacy” then “account information”
  4. Select “username”
  5. Update your Twitter handle with your preferred new name. 
change twitter username
how to change your twitter handle on desktop

How To Change Your Twitter Handle on iPhone and iPad

Here’s how you can change your Twitter handle using your iOS devices:

  1. Go to the Twitter app and tap “Me” at the bottom of your screen.
  2. Open your profile page and click “Edit.”
  3. Type in a new username and click “Done.”

How To Change Your Twitter Handle on Android

Here’s how you can update your Twitter handle on your Android devices: 

  1. From your Twitter app, go to “Settings and privacy” and select “your account.”
  2. Choose “account information” and select your username.
  3. Type in a new Twitter handle and click “OK.”
custom Twitter username on Android

Using multiple Twitter handles for your business allows people to easily identify the specific service they’re looking for while also getting updates from your company’s primary account. 

If you see a fake account using your business name on Twitter, report the profile and mention that you are not connected with the account. Take screenshots of tweets from the fake account as proof of the violation. Doing so can help you get verified easily and build trust among your followers.

Key Takeaways 

Twitter has features and product updates to help brands execute their strategies effectively. One of these is Twitter Blue, a paid subscription that allows you to undo tweets or customize the Twitter icon and app. 

If you want to personalize and update your Twitter account for free, you can start with the Twitter handle to set the tone for your business. Changing your username on your account is quick and easy, whether you’re using a desktop, iOS, or Android device.

It’s important to create a Twitter handle that’s unique, creative, and professional to help you reach your brand’s target audience. You can change your Twitter handle or username as often as you want, but make sure that you let your followers know about the update.

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