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How to Schedule Pinterest Videos with Publer Like a Pro

April 17, 2024
How to Schedule Pinterest Videos with Publer Like a Pro

Scheduling social media posts is nothing newβ€”it saves time and energy and allows you to choose the prime posting time. If you want to boost your traffic on Pinterest, read on and see how to schedule Pinterest videos with Publer.

Publer is the optimal AI scheduling tool that streamlines a crucial business processβ€”social media posting. Knowing your target audience and reaching them at the best time is integral to business promotion across the internet. Now, let’s see what it typically takes to schedule your Pinterest videos and how to simplify this process using Publer!

How to Schedule Pinterest Videos with Publer

How to Schedule Pinterest Pins on Pinterest

If you were to ask where to schedule your Pinterest pins, the most obvious answer would be the Pinterest app. Signing up for Pinterest and logging into your account is quite simple. From there, scheduling a pin isn’t a hassle if you follow these simple steps:

  1. Tap Create in the upper left corner. From a business account, select the hamburger icon and then Create Pin.
  2. Tap the arrow icon and choose up to ten images to create or combine ten individual pins.
  3. Select a board and write a description.
  4. Click β€œPublish at a later date” and schedule your posting time.

If you want to schedule a pin on your mobile device, the process is a little different:

  1. Select the plus icon and choose Pin.
  2. Choose an image or video, or click the camera icon to record one. You can add more than one, and they’ll create a single pin.
  3. Click Next and edit your pin by choosing options from the menu.
  4. Write a description and select a board.
  5. Click the arrow or pen icon next to the Schedule date and choose when to post.
  6. Click Done, then Schedule.
  7. Review the scheduling information and confirm.

While scheduling pins on Pinterest is simple, there are certain limitations. For instance, you can’t schedule more than one pin at a time or have more than ten pins scheduled for the future, and editing a scheduled pin isn’t possible.

How to Schedule Pinterest Pins with Publer in 4 Easy Steps

Scheduling a pin on Pinterest is easy, but there are certain limitations. With Publer, however, you’ll have a broader range of options for scheduling, editing, and customizing your pins.

This scheduling tool is easy to use thanks to its transparent interface. Moreover, it allows you to manage all your social media accounts and posts in one place and have a clear view of everything you’ve posted or plan to post.

Many users have declared Publer the best Pinterest scheduling tool and one of the top-tier schedulers overall. The concept is easy to grasp, and soon enough, you’ll be pinning like a pro.

#1. Sign Up and Log In

Creating a Publer account is a piece of cake. As a social media user, you’ll have one within moments, as you only need to enter your email address and create a password. Another way is to sign up via one of your other social media accounts, such as LinkedIn or Facebook.

When you sign up, log in using your credentials and start exploring. Before you know it, you’ll have a list of your social media accounts on Publer, and posting and scheduling posts will be more accessible than ever.

#2. Connecting Publer with Pinterest

When you log into your Publer account as a new user, you’ll see an empty space. Soon enough, there will be a menu containing your social media accounts. At the bottom of your soon-to-be personal menu, you’ll see the Add Account button. Tap it and choose Pinterest from the selection of apps that open up.

After you grant Publer access to your Pinterest account and connect the two, return to your Publer menu, select the Pinterest icon, and start pinning.

#3. Scheduling a Pinterest Pin with Publer

When you select the Pinterest icon in your menu, you’ll see different options for uploading, customizing, and editing your media. Whether you browse the files on your computer or import them from Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive, you’ll have a pin ready for posting in no time.

Once you’ve selected the media, you can resize, filter, or crop it. In the lower-left corner, there’s a bulk option to create a single pin with more images or videos.

#4. Pinning and Scheduling

Every pin has to have content, including images or videos, a description, and a board. After you upload and edit your media, write a suitable description and choose appropriate hashtags. Then, select or create a board, and your pin will be ready for publishing or scheduling.

However, if you want to customize it further, you can select your location, add a watermark, and enable commenting and sharing, among other things.

Once satisfied with your content, you can schedule your publishing time by clicking the Schedule button and choosing the date and time. Alternatively, you can select the auto-schedule option.

Pinterest Video Format

Pinterest video pins are pins in the form of videos. They have a cover image that works as a thumbnail. The image aims to get people’s attention and summarize the pin’s content.

Video pins are more engaging than the regular ones, allowing viewers to see what comes next. Moreover, they can boost your brand’s visibility.

Pinterest Video Format

When creating a video pin, you should follow certain guidelines. These guidelines include a length ranging from a minimum of four seconds to 15 minutes. The file size can’t exceed 2GB, and the file type has to be MP4, MOV, or M4V.

The title length limit is 100 characters, and the description length limit is 500 characters. Lastly, the aspect ratio (width and height) must be shorter than 1:2 and taller than 1.91:1.

5 Benefits of Scheduling Pinterest Videos with Publer

Publer is considered one of the best Pinterest schedulers for a good reason. First, it has a user-friendly interface, which makes it easy to manage your scheduled pins. It also has a higher daily pin limit than the native app, which goes for video pins as well. Lastly, Publer allows you to edit scheduled pins, while the app doesn’t.

Take a look at the list below to find out what other benefits scheduling Pinterest videos with Publer brings:

#1. Saving Time

Streamlining time-consuming tasks is essential for every business. Scheduling social media posts proves that.

If you have a lot on your plate, let Publer take something off your hands by connecting it with Pinterest and your other social media accounts.

You can schedule videos on Pinterest in just a few minutes and let Publer take care of the rest.

#2. Better Organization

As previously stated, one of the main perks of using Publer is its user-friendly layout. You can navigate the website easily and organize your posts with only a few clicks.

Publer categorizes all your pins and other posts in neat categories, including scheduled, posted, failed, drafts, recycling, and recurring. To access them, click the Posts button on the drop-down menu on the left side of the screen.

#3. Maintaining Consistency

Scheduling and posting with Publer gives your schedule consistency that native apps, including Pinterest, don’t. The main reason for that lies in their strict limitations, especially regarding the number of posts you can schedule in one day.

With Publer, you can schedule as many as 25 Pinterest videos daily with a free account. However, if you have a professional or business account, the number goes up to 50 and 100, respectively.

#4. Reaching Different Time Zones

Scheduling a Pinterest video with Publer lets you choose the date, time, and time zone. When you tap the green Schedule button, you’ll see your default time zone. Tapping on it opens a list of all the options, so you can choose when your video pin goes online in a particular part of the world.

This simple yet effective feature allows you to reach your target audience globally without making unnecessary calculations between time zones.

#5. Flexibility

Growing a business on a global level calls for flexibility. Publer answers by having a higher daily pin limit, allowing you to edit your scheduled pins, and letting you choose a time zone.

As you can see, Publer automates the scheduling process on several levels. It is simple to use and lets you manage your posts in ways native social media don’t.

5 Expert Tips for Scheduling Pinterest Videos

To schedule Pinterest videos like a pro, you’ll need expert advice, and we’re here to provide it.

#1. Grab Viewers’ Attention

You want your video pins to promote your brand, so make them as appealing as possible. Make sure your content is relevant and presented clearly to reach your target audience.

Moreover, remember that your cover image should represent the content of the video, so choose it wisely. Its purpose is to pique your viewers’ interest so that they stay through the whole video.

#2. Check the Links

Linking your website, service, or product is essential for promoting your business. Video pins have a high description character limit, so use them to add relevant links. Ensure the links apply to the description, and double-check if they work correctly. The last thing you want is for a viewer to lose interest in your brand because of a malfunctioning link.

#3. Pay Attention to the Aesthetics

Pinterest is the most visually driven app. It’s the place for pretty pictures and artsy videos, and tons of them are online. You must make your video pins as appealing as possible to compete with them all and gain traction.

Having a vision is the most crucial step in that process, but you should also consider the following ones:

  • Shoot your videos with a high-quality camera
  • Pay close attention to the editing so that the finished video makes sense
  • Follow the rules when it comes to dimensions

#4. Omit the Audio

If your video pin has audio, the viewers won’t hear it unless they turn it on manually. So, gauge their digital habits before you add your favorite songs to your videos. Remember, when on Pinterest, appeal to your audience visually.

#5. Use a Scheduling Tool

You should use a scheduling tool to make this process as smooth as possible. You need time and energy to focus on your vision and content, and you don’t need time-consuming tasks diverting your attention from that.

Leave them to Publer, one of the best scheduling tools on the market, and rest assured your video pins will go live at the perfect time.

Pinterest videos can last up to 15 minutes, which is a lot of space for content. If you use it wisely, you can boost your brand’s visibility and promote your business globally. If not, your perfectly crafted video can get lost on your target audience.

Luckily, Publer is a great scheduling tool to use for your video to go online at the perfect moment. Reaching your viewers has never been so simple!


Timing is everything, and so is scheduling social media posts at the right moment nowadays. Having a brand to promote requires you to choose every step wisely, and learning how to schedule Pinterest videos at the exact right time can help tremendously.
Choosing Pinterest for self-promotion is the way to go, especially because you can have so much content in a single pin, including videos. With the right tool, your videos will be perfectly crafted and timed, and you’ll have more energy to focus on your vision.

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