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37 Surprising Facebook Statistics For Marketers

November 10, 2022
37 Surprising Facebook Statistics For Marketers

As a social media giant, Facebook is continuously rising and becoming unstoppable. With the launch of Metaverse and other incoming features, Facebook is undeniably a go-to social media channel for marketers to grow their businesses and keep up with trends.

It is essential to know the Facebook statistics that can set your business up for success, whether you are spending a dime investing in the platform or not. Here is a list of some of the most important Facebook statistics.

Facebook Statistics: Usage And Users 

Facebook Statistics: Usage And Users 

Despite the rise of newer social media apps, Facebook still reigns supreme in terms of users and engagement. Here are some statistics that show why Facebook should still be a part of your social media strategy:

Facebook Statistics: Demographics 

Your Facebook audience is diverse, with users across generations located all over the world. Knowing your audience’s demographics can help you create content tailored to the user group you are targeting. Here are some important points concerning user demographics:

  • 56.8% of Facebook users are male, while 43.2% are female. 
  • Of the male audience, the 25-34 age group dominates Facebook’s audience demographics with 18.4%, while 12.8% of the same age group are female. 
  • India currently has the most Facebook users, with 329.65 million, while the U.S. comes in second with 179.65 million users
  • Around 85% of Facebook’s daily active users (DAUs) are outside the U.S. and Canada.
  • Over 1.2 billion users on Facebook are located in Asia, while 419 million users are in Europe. 
  • 61.3% of Facebook users are 35-years-old and below.
  • 70% of Facebook users comprise U.S. adults who earn more than $75,000 annually.

Facebook Statistics: Advertising

Facebook Advertising

Facebook is a great platform to increase brand awareness and reach the right audience for your business. With features like the Ad Library, Facebook makes it easy for marketers to access active ads and stay ahead of the market with relevant marketing campaigns.

Pay attention to these important ad statistics to stay on top of the game:

  • Facebook recorded a whopping $28.3 billion in ad revenue in Q3 2021, a 56% increase from the previous year.
  • The U.S. and Canada are the top locations that account for over $13.7 billion of Facebook’s ad revenue in 2021. 
  • In 2020, Facebook identified over 10 million active advertisers on the platform. 
  • Facebook ads outrank other paid advertising channels as the top platform with the highest return on investment (ROI).
  • Half of the consumers on Facebook can discover new products through Stories, with 58% saying they visited the brand’s website after seeing an ad from Stories. 
  • As most of Facebook’s audience is composed of mobile users, 94% of the generated ad revenue in 2019 came from mobile ads. 
  • By the end of 2020, Facebook advertising recorded $9.82 in earnings per user.
  • Facebook’s cost-per-click (CPC) increased by 13% in 2021, with an average CPC of 0.38 USD. 
  • Facebook ads in the U.S. are projected to decrease slightly by 15.5%, compared to the projections in 2021, with a 32.1% increase.
  • Outside the U.S., the top 3 countries garnering the largest Facebook ad audience reach are Mongolia (103.3%), Libya (101.7%), and the Philippines (100.4%)
  • 25.9% of the total digital ad spending is from Facebook, coming in second to Google (28.9%) while outranking Amazon (10.3%).

Facebook Statistics: Marketplace 

With the launch of Marketplace, Facebook has become a go-to platform for both businesses and consumers for great finds to buy and sell. Here are some vital shopping stats to watch out for:

Facebook Statistics For Businesses

Use Facebook to boost your business

You can use Facebook to boost your business. With all of its features, it can be a powerful tool to help you stay updated and improve your bottom line. Let’s take a closer look at some of the numbers:

  • 53% of Facebook users are likely to purchase via the live chat feature on Messenger. 
  • With more than 50% of people globally having a native language that is not part of the top common languages, Meta is said to develop real-time translation for 100s of spoken and written languages. 
  • Roughly 200 million businesses maximize Facebook’s features and tools.
  • The Stories feature on Facebook recorded over 500 million daily viewers.
  • 35% of marketers use Facebook to launch their influencer campaigns. 
  • Facebook’s average reach rate is currently at 8.6%. 
  • Facebook has removed over 4.5 million pieces of content with copyright, trademark, or counterfeit issues to continue building security measures on the platform. 

Key Takeaways

As online trends constantly evolve, using social media for your business means staying ahead of the curve. Keeping up with social media terms and stats can help ensure your Facebook campaign is successful.

Understanding what Facebook statistics mean can be beneficial for your business in many ways: 

  • Keep track of Facebook as a revenue-generating platform
  • Monitor the majority of its users depending on the demographics
  • Identify Facebook’s features to expand ad placements
  • Determine user behavior and usage to strategize content posting
  • Stay updated with the advertising trends

What Facebook Statistic surprised you the most? Let us know in the comments below!

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