Live streaming outperforms traditional video content on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook in terms of user engagement and brand growth. One way to capitalize on this and maximize the results from your streams is by mastering Instagram Live scheduling.
In this article, we’ll explain how to schedule Instagram Lives, what benefits you can expect, and we’ll offer some content ideas for your first scheduled Live. Let’s get started!
What is Instagram Live Scheduling, and How Does it Work?
Instagram Live scheduling is a new feature that allows users to schedule their live streams on the platform. But, unlike scheduling Instagram posts where you need a pre-made post to be published, the Instagram Live schedule is essentially an announcement of when the actual live stream will start.
After creating a scheduled Live, it will appear in your Instagram bio. Your followers can click on it to view your Instagram Live schedule and set a reminder for notifications 15 minutes before you go live.
How to Schedule an Instagram Live on The Instagram App
To schedule an Instagram Live on the app, all you need is an active social media account. And, unlike Reels or posts, you can schedule an Instagram Live even if you have a personal profile. That said, you should consider switching to a business account anyway to access more features on the platform.
Let’s go over the steps for scheduling an Instagram Live below:
#1. Open Your Instagram Account
Open the Instagram app and go to your Profile.

Tap on the Plus icon in the upper right corner and select Live.

This will take you to the app’s camera, where you can immediately start, schedule, or practice for a live stream.
#2 Set up an Instagram Live
If this is your first time hosting a live stream, consider doing a practice session to avoid any technical issues and ensure a successful stream. This is also a great opportunity to think about the goal of the stream and to come up with talking points to keep the conversation flowing smoothly.
To start a practice stream, tap Share with Everyone at the top of the screen and select Practice.

To schedule your live stream, tap on the Calendar icon on the left side of the screen and set the time and date. You can schedule Lives up to 3 months in advance.

#3 Optimize Your Scheduled Live
Remember to add a title for your scheduled Live to let your followers know what to expect from the stream. This section is limited, so it’s important to be strategic. Think of catchy titles that will grab your audience’s attention while still being informative.

After scheduling your live stream, you can share it in a post or story to inform your followers and build interest.
How to Edit or Delete Your Instagram Live
Instagram allows you to edit or delete scheduled Instagram Lives easily on their app. Simply go to your Profile to see all your scheduled Lives.

If you have multiple scheduled live videos, tap on the one you want to edit and change its title or start time. You can also cancel the Live by clicking on Cancel live video.

You can view all past broadcasts in the Instagram Live archive. To access this, click on the three-bar icon in the upper right corner and tap on Archive. Then, tap on Stories archive at the top of the screen and click Live archive.
If you want to delete or reshare a previous live stream, simply select the video you want and follow the on-screen instructions. Keep in mind, however, that you won’t be able to edit the Live before sharing it.
To make changes to your live video or cross-post it on other platforms, you can download it instead.
4 Effective Ways to Use Instagram Live Scheduling for Your Business
Scheduling your Instagram Live may seem unnecessary, but certain types of live streams can actually benefit from having an advanced schedule. Let’s discuss the most effective ways to utilize Live scheduling below.
#1. Hosting Q&A Sessions
Instagram Live scheduling is extremely helpful when planning Q&A sessions with other people in the industry. This will give you time to create interesting questions and for your participants to prepare their answers to give your viewers the most value.
Instagram Live rooms are perfect for these sessions, as they allow you to go live with up to three people. Once you have a scheduled Live, discuss the general flow of the session and any off-limits topics your participants may have to ensure a smooth stream.
#2. Doing Live Demos of Your Products
If your business is offering a product, scheduling an Instagram Live showing you using it is a great way to build credibility and engage your audience. This is also an opportunity to sell your product on the platform with Instagram’s Live Shopping feature.
While you can always post a how-to video on your page, hosting a live stream makes the experience interactive. During the stream, your audience can ask questions and request specific products. This will help you establish rapport and gain valuable insight into what products your audience wants to see.
#3 Creating a Video Series
If the how-to Live is successful, you can turn it into a video series and cover the most requested products in your next live stream. A video series will encourage your audience to visit your page frequently and can be an excellent source of information for new followers.
By scheduling your Instagram Live in advance, you will have enough time to prepare your content, and your audience will know when to tune in.
#4 Launching a New Product
You can schedule an Instagram Live to generate interest around a new product launch. In the days before the announcement, you can post teasers on your profile to build awareness and intrigue among your audience.
Additionally, by going live, you can get a general idea of how interested your audience is in the new product and address any questions or concerns they may have. Be sure to take note of negative feedback and use it to improve your product.
3 Benefits of Instagram Live Scheduling
Aside from real-time interactions with your followers, scheduling Instagram Lives offers several other benefits, such as:
- More viewers. Your followers get a notification whenever you go live, but this doesn’t mean that they always see it on time. By scheduling your Instagram Live, you are telling your audience in advance when they can expect your content so they can allot time for it.
- Stronger relationship with your audience. Replying to comments can help you build a relationship with your audience, but these aren’t always done in real-time and may seem promotional. On the other hand, communicating through live streams feels like an actual conversation and is great for engaging your audience.
- Strategic live hours. If you already have a schedule for your Instagram Live in mind, consider creating an Instagram poll asking your followers if they would be available during that time. Depending on the results, you can adjust your schedule to go live when your audience is most active.
Key Takeaways
- Instagram Live scheduling lets creators schedule their livestreams in advance.
- Scheduling an Instagram Live can be done on the app by going to the Live section and setting the time and date for it.
- You can edit or delete scheduled Lives by tapping on the Live on your profile and clicking Edit.
- Scheduled Instagram Lives are great for Q&A sessions, live demos, video series, and product launches.
- In contrast to unannounced live streams, scheduling your Instagram Lives can bring in a higher viewer count and let you target your audience’s peak hours.