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Our Anti-Spam Efforts

May 04, 2020
Our Anti-Spam Efforts

As a very powerful social media management superhero, we need to make sure that Publer remains a well-behaved citizen of the virtual world.

Our Anti-Spam Efforts

We’re trying to build great relationships with the social networks that Publer’s been integrated with and in order to create a safe environment for everyone, below are the anti-spam efforts we have taken.

Daily Post Limits (updated)

While the social networks, besides Twitter, don’t explicitly have a limitation on how many posts you can publish on them in a day, we have decided to do so in order to prevent abuse and to allocate resources properly. If you think about it, there’s a very thin line between automation & spamming.

Publer FreePubler ProfessionalPubler Business
Facebook Profile12 posts / day24 posts / day36 posts / day
Facebook Page12 posts / day24 posts / day36 posts / day
Facebook Group10 posts / admin / day
(only 5 can be links)
14 posts / admin / day
(only 7 can be links)
18 posts / admin / day
(only 9 can be links)
 LinkedIn Profile10 updates / day12 updates / day14 updates / day
 LinkedIn Page12 updates / day18 updates / day24 updates / day
Twitter25 Tweets / day50 Tweets / day100 Tweets / day
Mastodon25 posts / day50 posts / day100 posts / day
Google Business Profile5 posts / day10 posts / day15 posts / day
WordPress12 articles / day18 articles / day24 articles / day
Pinterest25 pins / day50 pins / day100 pins / day
Instagram Post15 posts / day20 posts / day25 posts / day
Instagram Story15 stories / day20 stories / day25 stories / day
Threads App15 posts / day20 posts / day25 posts / day
TikTok15 videos / day20 videos / day25 videos / day
YouTube5 videos / day10 videos / day30 videos / day
Telegram5 messages / day10 messages / day15 messages / day

For Facebook Groups, we also have a limitation on the number of links you can share in a day since they’re very prone to being marked as spam by other Group members.

These limits are per social account and are rolled over a 24 hours period. If necessary, they may change at anytime without prior notice.

Twitter Automation Rules

Twitter, with the most recent rules. is very clear when it comes to automation: unique non-abusive content only!

  • You cannot post or schedule duplicative or substantially similar Tweets across one or more Twitter accounts you manage
  • You cannot send a large volume of unsolicited and/or repeat @mentions
  • You may not automatically post about trending topics on Twitter, or use automation to attempt to influence or manipulate trending topics

This is why when scheduling your Tweets with Publer:

  • You can only select one Twitter account at a time
  • You cannot use Signatures
  • You cannot make them recurring posts
  • You can schedule them only once

Even if you try to find a way to schedule the same or substantially similar Tweet on more than one Twitter account or more than once, Publer doesn’t allow that.

Twitter automation rules

In a few words, post a Tweet only ONCE, regardless of how awesome it is. You can always Retweet it to another Twitter account either manually or by using Publer’s auto-share option.

Even though we will keep doing our best to make sure that you don’t break Twitter’s rules, it is also your responsibility to obey. Failing to do so will get you permanently restricted from using Publer.

Facebook Negative Feedback

One of the Facebook platform policies we have agreed on is to keep Publer’s negative feedback to a minimum. Even though the content published by Publer is always user-generated, it is our responsibility to make sure that your posts are not creating a negative experience among other Facebook users.

Thanks to Publer Analytics, we can see the negative feedback (marked as spam, hidden, and so on) for each published post. Our anti-spam system will automatically notify you and remove Facebook posts that receive a high number of negative feedback.

Our Anti-Spam Efforts

If you keep using Publer to publish posts that are against Facebook community standards or receive a high number of negative feedback, you will be permanently restricted from using Publer.

Blocked Domains

If links from a certain domain keep being marked as spam by other users, that domain will be blocked and no further link from that domain can be used within Publer.

blocking domains

Recurring Posts

While recurring posts are pretty handy if you’re organizing a weekly or a monthly event, there’s plenty of room for abuse. In order to prevent spamming, an occurrence of a recurring post will be published ONLY IF one of the following is true:

  • At least 10 other posts have been published since the last occurrence
  • At least one week has passed since the last occurrence

Bulk Scheduling

When scheduling in bulk, posts need to be unique. Use recurring posts if you need to schedule something more than once (except for Twitter). 

bulk scheduling

Delay Between Posts

Except Twitter, you can post to multiple Facebook & LinkedIn accounts at once, but if you’re posting to a lot of them, we advice you use the “delay between posts” option.

Publer will basically publish your post to the first selected social account at the given time, then wait X minutes before publishing it to the second selected social account and so on.

Delay Between Posts

This will make your posts look less “robotic”.

Restricting Access to Publer

Last, but not least, if you fail to comply with the terms above, we will have no option but to permanently restrict you from using Publer. There will be no exceptions, so it doesn’t matter if you’re a paying customer or not. Your actions can equally hurt all of us.

our anti-spam efforts

Let’s hope this won’t happen. 🙂

Safe scheduling,

Team Publer

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