It’s time to think about how to use your blogs to repurpose Twitter threads. Long-form content is great for relaying in-depth information. But it’s not for everyone. As much as we’d love everybody to soak in all the useful information we laid out in a 13,000-word article—some people just ain’t got no time for that.

So, what can you do to make your long-form content more accessible and engaging? You can repurpose your content into other forms—reusing and revitalizing it! One of the best ways to do so is by converting your long-form content into a Twitter thread.
What is A Twitter Thread?

Twitter threads are just a series of Tweets published together and interlinked. Like a regular tweet, each tweet in a thread has a max of 280 characters. It’ll show the first tweet and prompt readers to “show this thread”.
Now you might be asking “Why use a Twitter thread when you can just link the blog in a tweet?”. The answer is simple—it’s more engaging!
Buffer did a study and found that the opening of a thread had 54% more engagement than tweets linking to blog posts. But not all content should be made into a thread.
Copying everything from your blog post and fitting them into 280-character sections won’t work. It can be a complete waste of time. Instead, focus on the following:
- Resource lists
- Recommendations
- Actionable best practices
- Quick “How-to” guides
- Step-by-step guides
How To Repurpose Twitter Thread Using Blog Posts
Repurposing blog posts into Twitter threads is easy enough, but your efforts will be even more effective if you apply the following best practices:
Find The Most Valuable Points In Your Blog
Within your blog post are carefully structured headers that signify the flow of information. This in itself is a great starting point for figuring out the content you want to include in your thread.
When looking at your headers, try and find ones that include lists. The headers themselves can be the outline for each tweet in the thread.
Once you’ve outlined what you want to include, fill it in with a summarized version of your header’s content.
Rewrite To Fit Twitter Length And Style
We only have 280 characters max. The next thing you need is to rewrite your content to fit Twitter. The platform is best for consuming content fast. Sometimes, 280 characters are even too long to read (in Twitter’s context). Let’s take this article from Publer as an example.

This is a perfect introduction to the article and sets up what you need in order to make money from TikTok. But if we turn this into a tweet, we’re way past the character limit.

What we can do is summarize some of the key points within this snippet.

From here, you can start adding tweets to the thread based on the steps listed in the article. This serves as the hook of your thread.
Hook, Line, And Sinker
Your hooks draw people in and make them want to read more. In the example above, people who want to earn money on TikTok would want to learn more about the Creator Fund.
But what about the line and sinker? A great opening thread should include all three. Here are the factors you need to know about:
- Hook: Grabs attention and promises more amazing content.
- Line: Provides readers with what you promised. It’s memorable content.
- Sinker: Content elicits action from readers. Inspires sharing and engagement.
Include A Clear CTA
Twitter threads have two main purposes—providing value to your audience and inspiring action. Ideally, the actions provide you with value as well. It should be a win-win situation.
The key to achieving this is a good call-to-action (CTA). It can give the following benefits:
- Revitalizing your blog. Increasing traffic from additional sources.
- Potentially converting readers into a lead.
- The opportunity to get writers to link to your content.
Pro tip: You don’t always need to link back to your original blog post. Don’t be scared to provide immediate value to your audience. This is a great way to get more followers on Twitter.
Crafting a Twitter Thread on Twitter
Now that you know the ins and outs of what makes a thread great, it’s time to make your own. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to write a Twitter thread to repurpose blog content.
Step 1: Write Your Opening Thread
Find the blog you want to repurpose. You can use the title of the blog or the headers you want to focus on. Next, write your first Tweet and click on the (+) sign next to “Tweet”. Don’t forget to add relevant hashtags to your tweet.

Step 2: Write the next Tweets and Publish
After drafting the first tweet, just keep adding tweets to the thread using the (+) when necessary. If you’re happy with the thread, simply click on Publish.

Step 3: Add More Tweets to the Thread (If Necessary)
You can add more tweets to the thread you made if you need to. Just go to the thread you made and click “Add another Tweet” at the button.
Do this if you want to add more information or if you need to clarify something (because you can’t edit Tweets yet).
Creating a Twitter Thread on Publer
One of the most important factors in growing your brand on Twitter is consistency. You can stay consistent and streamline how you create Twitter threads using Publer! Here’s how:
Step 1: Creating Your Tweet
Once in Publer’s dashboard, click “create”. Select Twitter and start writing your tweet. You can also insert up to four photos, format tests, and ask for hashtag suggestions.

Step 2: Enable Follow-up Comments (Threads)
After writing the first tweet, enable “add follow-up comments”. You can also choose to delay the first follow-up tweet by enabling “add delay”.
Step 3: Add Tweets to the Thread
To add new tweets to the thread, click the “add another comment” at the bottom. When you’re done crafting your thread, click Save and proceed with scheduling.

Important Notes:
- Publer allows up to 15 tweets per thread.
- You can customize each tweet with text formatting tools.
- Like Twitter, you have a 280-character limit
Key Takeaways
If you want to revitalize your long-form content and make it relevant again—repurpose it as a Twitter thread. But before you start writing, consider the following:
- Threads also have a 280-character limit.
- Rewrite long snippets into a list of key points.
- Make your thread’s opening tweet as engaging as possible.
- Your threads should include a CTA.
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