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Master Labels as a Fantastic Organizational Feature

July 07, 2021
Master Labels as a Fantastic Organizational Feature

The whole new level of expertise with the latest features and updates includes labels as the most important organizational feature on our dashboard. Whether you want to have everything organized, easily bulk-schedule, make the most out of Drafts, or auto-schedule like a pro, you got it.

Let’s explain labels! They will make your job easier, as they’ll be saved on each page, and you’ll be able to use the exact same label for a media, posting schedule, and Draft. So, in other words, labels will be unified and you can use the exact same one everywhere.

Besides the so-wanted label functionality, the scheduling process is simplified. Don’t worry, we’re still offering the same intuitive workflow!

So, let’s get into each and every update, so you can understand what we’re talking about.

Let’s Organize with Labels

Improve digital marketing strategy by organizing your work with labels

Labels are color-coded categories that you can use to group and easily filter posts.

They can be found everywhere: on the editor’s dashboard, on the visual calendar, media library, and also, they can be used on the posting schedules. Once you create a new label, you’ll be able to organize your posts, visual content, and time slots in no time. They’ll be unified and can be found on each and every page.

Learn more about how to organize media with labels.


Let’s suppose you created a new posting schedule called β€˜Morning’. You import a new video to the media library and the β€˜Morning’ label is already saved, so you select it.

You can start a brand new post by filtering the video on the Media Library by the label, and if you click on Auto-Schedule, the posting schedule named β€˜Morning’, will be automatically selected!

This is a great way for you to save time. You never know how many labels you’ll be creating in the future, that’s why you’re making yourself a favor!

What you need to know about labels?

– You can create as many labels as you want, yet they’re optional!

– You can filter by label (Posts, Visual Calendar, and Media Library).

Check it out: How to filter posts by color-coded labels

– Labels can’t be duplicated. Meaning that if you want to create the same category but in a different color, that’ll be impossible.

Example of Labels such as "Morning"


Hundreds of Publer users are making the most out of the easy way of scheduling up to 500 posts at the same time using the CSV file.

The CSV file helps users save time by preparing tons of posts in a blink of an eye. The CSV (comma-separated values) is an organized file that allows everyone to add the time and date, content, links, media URLs, video titles, and posting schedule labels easily.

Now that the labels are unified for a better workflow, you can add them under the last column. So, if you want to specify the posting schedule – you got it.

Remember the boring method of waiting a long time for the CSV upload? Well, you won’t be bothered by that anymore. Once you’ve uploaded the CSV file, Publer will take care of that on its end, so you can continue using the platform without any disturbing factors. Once everything is uploaded properly, you will receive a notification that informs you about the file upload.

Learn more about what CSV template should you use and how to schedule in bulk using a CSV file.

If you click on it, you will be given a dashboard where you can see all the posts, in case you want to keep on making changes (tag locations, add follow-up comments, auto-share/delete, etc.).

PS: You can reuse the CSV file anytime. All you need to do is click on the notification bar, select the CSV file, and you can start scheduling the same posts on a new social media account.

Switching between scheduling modes

No more time-wasting steps to switch from one scheduling mode to another. Whether you want to manually select the time and date, automatically schedule through time slots, recycle posts, or put them under recurring – it’s way faster now!

The editor’s dashboard is now easier to understand and use. Simply click the dropdown arrow and choose your favorite and necessary mode of scheduling.

You know that if you’re going with the manual mode, you need to select the correct time and date. Of course, you can always make the proper changes in the visual calendar, in case you mess up.

Let’s suppose you’ve curated a nice posting schedule for all your posts to go out. You have organized some time slots for links, Gifs, and some other ones for the photo-types of posts. Everything can be carefully designed with the color-coded labels, which you have previously prepared, or create new ones from scratch.

Switching between scheduling modes with labels

Once you decide to select the Auto-Scheduling mode, you’ll be given the list of all available time slots you have created. If you select the manual scheduling mode, worry less. You can simply click the β€˜Select a predefined time slot’ and Publer will provide all the options.

Once you select the desired time slot, you can auto-schedule posts within a certain time frame:

Schedule at top of the queue – that exact post you’re creating, will be prioritized and be posted on the first available time slot

Schedule after – you can decide to select a date so this post is scheduled on the first available time slot *after* that date

Also, you can schedule before – decide on a date so that the post is shared *before* that. Maybe you have other plans after a certain time frame.

Supercharged Drafts

Drafts are a safe way to keep notes saved on Publer, while you keep researching for further information.

Besides text, visual content, and links, now everyone can specify the account they want to save a Draft for – meaning that now it’s possible to add follow-up comments, tag a location, enable auto-sharing, as well as add a time & date!

This means that you can schedule Drafts and they will appear on the visual calendar as well. You’ll be able to filter and search for them, just like you do with the other posts.

And you can turn Drafts into scheduled posts in just one click (and vice-versa)!

Alternative methods to use drafts:

  • Add multiple labels to keep them organized and easily filter anytime.
  • Create new Drafts right from the visual calendar.
  • And here’s what we love the most: you can now save Twitter Threads (15 tweets) as Drafts!
  • No more going back and forth to save multiple Drafts.

Let’s take an example: There’s a new update coming up. You’re preparing some posts, but you know that different social accounts allow different character counts, not each of them allows locations, etc.This is where you customize the posts and make the proper changes. Well, guess what! You can now save them all as Drafts in-one-click!

We have supercharged Drafts

Recurring Mode

A huge giveaway, flash sale, or an important event on the way? You know you can automate these posts to go out multiple times per week, for as long as you want. Simply select a start and end date – as well as the preferred repetition.

But now, we’ve updated this superpower by allowing you to:

  • Modify the settings. You can change the time and date this post gets shared, the repetition (i.e from every two days, to once a week), and the start/end date.
  • If the recurring automation has ended, you can reinitiate it, simply by clicking on the Settings – no more duplicating steps!

Tip: Don’t forget to preview the recurring posts on the visual calendar, as well as stay aware of spamming filters, by using the Spintax Generator within Publer.

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