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Full Screen Calendar View on Publer – 6 Advantages

February 26, 2021
Full Screen Calendar View on Publer – 6 Advantages

Let the smooth scheduling experience begin!

We’re welcoming a new and interactive calendar view on Publer, where every user will be able to properly view, manage, schedule, preview, and empower all their social media post on Full Screen mode!

Enable Full Screen View on Your Screen – Publer’s latest update on Calendar feature

The new calendar view on full screen is designed to help you navigate easily.

Enable Full Screen View on Your Screen - Publer's latest update on Calendar feature

As busy social media managers, we aim to find the fastest and intuitive solutions to curate the posts properly. Having everything displayed on a calendar view and easily customizable will boost everyone’s productivity, for sure.

This is the update that will allow you to have better control of what you and all of your team members have prepared for the future.

As the owner of a team, you can view -> double-check -> and approve or edit posts.

We’ve empowered the calendar view with useful and colored icons that will help you understand the status of a post. I.e scheduled for later; approval needed, posted from RSS feed, etc.

Calendar View Advantages:

 Calendar View Advantage on Publer

1. Manage posts easily

Every post, regardless of the social network, will be displayed on the calendar view. The drag & drop – powerful hack will help you change the date of the post in less than one second. Did you schedule a new post on the wrong date? No problem! You are only one drag away from setting it up correctly.

2. Filter posts

You can filter the posts by social account, post status, team member, and also, you can easily search for posts by text. Filtering through different dates is also a significant advantage. You’ll be able to go to the exact date you want, return to today’s date, or simply switch months, weeks, and days in a click.

3. Create a new post

Hovering the mouse to a specific date on the calendar view will trigger a plus ico. That’s where you can start creating a new post on that exact date. Remember when you used various scheduling modes to create a single post on a specific day? Those days are long gone!

On weekly and monthly view you can quickly select a day to prepare a post, while on the daily view – well my friends, you can even select the time.

Create a new post directly from the calendar

4: Any ideas about what to post on a specific day?

Here’s where the social media holidays come in handy!

We’ve carefully added every social media holiday on the calendar and each of them is made of its respective #hashtag. The magic begins when you click on a #hashtag and a pop-up creation dashboard shows up with the hashtag already added. A quick tip: If you’re not feeling creative on how to celebrate a holiday, there’s always a Gif that comes to the rescue.

5. Preview posts in real-time

Let’s get excited because the daily view ought to provide a split-screen in 2 – one for the posts arranged by time and the second for the post preview. If you notice typos, want to change the visual content, or you’ve totally forgotten to tag a location/ add a follow-up comment, simply edit the post.

Preview posts in real-time

6. Check Recycling Posts

Remember the struggling days of the evergreen content predictions? Those days are gone. Now you can properly check all the recycling posts on the calendar, regardless of the length and quantity. Having a better overview and prediction of when your evergreen content will be posted, will absolutely enhance the workflow.

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